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Ahana's Campaign for Indian Classical Art

Ahana Mukherjee / Leela Foundation Community Campaign

Kathak, classical dance from North India, has been an integral part of my life since my childhood. During this season of giving, I am raising funds to support the Leela Endowment, the first of its kind to provide the financial infrastructure for Indian classical artists and to ensure that the arts continue to thrive for future generations.
  • $1,000


  • $1,000


  • 4


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About Ahana's Campaign for Indian Classical Art

Kathak has been a quintessential part of my life since I was a child. It has allowed me to deepen my connection to my roots, my culture, and my heritage. The lessons I learn on the dance floor very much translate to off the dance floor as well. It has facilitated both my personal and professional growth. I am forever grateful to this community that has nurtured and challenged me to become the person I am today.

The Indian classical arts are vibrant and culturally rich yet grossly underfunded. Talented artists must struggle to meet financial ends and preserve the legacy of their art due a lack of adequate support. This is magnified when comparing Indian classical art to Western classical art.  The Leela Foundation is the only self-standing endowment fund for Indian classical dance and music. The endowment provides direct support to artists and tradition bearers through fellowships and awards. To learn more about the Foundation, visit

During this season of giving, your support for Indian classical arts means a lot. Please consider donating to ensure that the dance, music, and culture continue to thrive for generations to come.

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