Because I have been a student of philosophy, mythology, and theology, I have found time and again that artistic expression, in all its forms, intersects these three fields. This is what has drawn me to art.
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About Dance & Prana

Dance and Prana, held on October 18, 2020, was a virtual conversation between kathak artist Rina Mehta and philanthropist & business leader Ravi Tilak to benefit the Leela Foundation.

Prana is breath, energy, consciousness. Often translated as 'vital air', prana defies definition. The conversation Dance and Prana delved deeply into how music, rhythm, and music can awaken us at an energetic and spiritual level, and facilitate alchemy and transformation on an individual and collective level.

View highlights from the conversation on Leela Dance Collective's YouTube channel:
Dance and Prana: What is Prana?
Dance and Prana: Prana and Emotion
Dance and Prana: Art vs. Entertainment
Dance and Prana: On Vidya and Kala

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