
Seema's Campaign for the Arts

Seema Barua / Leela Foundation Community Campaign

I am raising funds for the Leela Endowment to help provide direct support to Indian classical artists and tradition bearers in our community.
  • $500


  • $500


  • 7


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About Seema's Campaign for the Arts

The Indian classical arts are one of the richest cultural traditions in the world. They are also one of the most under-resourced. To add to this, the financial infrastructure for Indian classical art trails far behind that for classical art in the West. I am passionate and optimistic about the Leela Foundation as a way to break this cycle, and really believe in the impact this endowment can make to support arts education. Together, we can create a pathway to preserve Indian classical art forms for future generations. Please support me in my goal to contribute to the Leela Foundation's endowment, and help us hit the $1 million milestone!

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